If you’re someone who doesn’t have a credit card, you would find out later on that topping-up you’re steam wallet is a tedious job. I personally have tried using a friend’s debit card and Paypal account, only to no avail.
This time however, I’ve discovered an easy way to top-up your steam account without a credit card: Codashop. Codashop is an online merchant where you could purchase steam wallet cards and other game credits. Codashop offers steam wallet cards in various denominations (P50, P250, P500, P1000, and P2200).
However, you might have to pay higher than the denomination offered. They also have different payment methods that you could choose to purchase your game credits. You could pay through over-the-counter at different banks, bayad centers, Globe load, Smart load, Globe GCASH and many more.
I personally, prefer through Globe GCASH because wallet cards through GCASH is usually the cheapest and some banks may have to charge you P50 for the deposit.
So now you have the chance to purchase those steam games or Dota 2 items you’ve always wanted without having the need to apply for a credit card. But as a reminder, you won’t have access to the community market unless a steam purchased have been made for 30 days from the day of purchase.
This time however, I’ve discovered an easy way to top-up your steam account without a credit card: Codashop. Codashop is an online merchant where you could purchase steam wallet cards and other game credits. Codashop offers steam wallet cards in various denominations (P50, P250, P500, P1000, and P2200).
However, you might have to pay higher than the denomination offered. They also have different payment methods that you could choose to purchase your game credits. You could pay through over-the-counter at different banks, bayad centers, Globe load, Smart load, Globe GCASH and many more.
Payment methods and prices for P50 steam wallet card as of this writing
I personally, prefer through Globe GCASH because wallet cards through GCASH is usually the cheapest and some banks may have to charge you P50 for the deposit.
So now you have the chance to purchase those steam games or Dota 2 items you’ve always wanted without having the need to apply for a credit card. But as a reminder, you won’t have access to the community market unless a steam purchased have been made for 30 days from the day of purchase.